We work with other health care and emergency services to provide quality, patient-centred care right across Queensland.
Recruitment pathways
Graduate Paramedic Program
Our paramedic program will help you develop the skills you need to become an advanced care paramedic.
Qualified paramedic roles
If you have more than 2 years work experience, you may be able to apply for a qualified paramedic role.
Indigenous cadet paramedic program
Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who want to work as a paramedic in their community.
Multicultural cadet paramedic program
Support for people from multicultural backgrounds who want to work as a paramedic in their community.
Job locations
View our list of ambulance stations [PDF 247.77 KB] and find out which ones support graduates and which ones have on call staff.
Clinical placements
We offer clinical placements for undergraduate students who are doing a paramedical science degree with one of our partner universities.
Contact us
Email our recruitment team if you'd like more information about any of our programs or working with us: QAS.Recruitment@ambulance.qld.gov.au