We partner with universities, government, other ambulance services, health service providers and other specialist groups for research purposes. This may include activities such as analysis of routinely collected data or randomised clinical trials.

We have supported many research projects looking at aspects of ambulance service delivery including:

  • clinical treatments
  • strategies for planning and delivering high quality ambulance services
  • describing injury and illness in the community to inform prevention activities.

The QAS Medical Director, QAS Commissioner or Director-General Queensland Health must approve any requests for data or research.

The Information Support, Research and Evaluation Unit supervises all research activities involving QAS and manages the application process.

Research requests

To access our data or staff for the purposes of research please:

  1. View our strategic research priorities outlined in the QAS Research and Innovation Agenda 2022–24 [PDF 1232.76 KB].
  2. Read the Research Application Guidelines [PDF 596.36 KB] to understand the requirements of our research governance process.
  3. Email QAS.Research@ambulance.qld.gov.au to discuss your proposal.
  4. Fill in an Application for Research form [PDF 2089.5 KB].

For further information

Please email the Information Support, Research and Evaluation Unit if you'd like more information at QAS.Research@ambulance.qld.gov.au.