QAS staff members who work directly with patients must provide evidence of immunity to various communicable diseases. These roles include:

  • Paramedics
  • Patient Transport Officers and
  • Clinical Placement students.

Evidence of immunity may include medical certification, vaccination records or serology reports. The table below summarises the required immunisations and evidence you will need to provide as part of your medical assessment.


Vaccination evidence requirement

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Documented evidence of 1 adult dose of diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis vaccine (dTpa). Vaccination with ADT is not accepted.

You must consent and agree to further vaccinations every 10 years from your last adult dTpa vaccination.

Hepatitis B (HBV)

Any of the following

  • Documented evidence of completed age-appropriate course of Hepatitis B vaccinations (not accelerated course) and documented serology results indicating anti-HBs greater than or equal to 10mlU/ml
  • Documented evidence of hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc/HBcAb), indicating past Hepatitis B infection.

Non-responder requirements

If you’re a persistent non-responder you will need all of the following:

  • Documented completed age-appropriate course of Hepatitis B vaccinations
  • 1 booster dose (usually a 4th dose)
  • Documented serology results more than 4 weeks post-booster indicating anti-HBs less than 10mIU/ml.

It is strongly recommended to complete the full secondary 3 dose course of vaccinations (a 5th and 6th dose), followed by serology at least 4 weeks later. If still a non-responder, consider an appointment with Queensland Adult Specialist Immunisation Service (QASIS) to discuss intra-dermal inoculation.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

Any of the following

  • Documented evidence of 2 doses of MMR vaccine at least 1 month apart
  • Positive IgG for measles, mumps and rubella
  • Birth date before 1966.

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

Any of the following:

  • Documented evidence of 2 doses of Varicella vaccine at least 1 month apart (evidence of one dose is sufficient if the person was vaccinated before 14 years of age);
  • Positive IgG for varicella;
  • History of Chicken Pox or physician diagnosed shingles (serology if uncertain).


Influenza vaccinations are not currently mandated.

From time to time, there may be a Queensland Health directive that all persons entering a Registered Aged Care Facility must be immunised against the current influenza strains.

Acceptable evidence includes

  • A current influenza vaccination certificate from the Australian immunisation Register (AIR) for the specified year
  • Australian Immunisation Register Medical Exemption Form completed by a GP, providing an exemption based on the absolute contraindications to influenza vaccine as per the Australian Immunisation Handbook, specifically anaphylaxis after
    • a previous dose of any influenza vaccine
    • any component of an influenza vaccine.

Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) will be required only if you

  • have had direct contact with a person who has had active TB or
  • were born in a country with a high incidence of TB, or resided for a cumulative time of 3 months or longer in a country with a high incidence of TB. Please see High risk countries on the Queensland Health website for more information.