Our vision

Excellence in ambulance services.

Our purpose

We will deliver timely, quality, and appropriate, patient focused ambulance services to the Queensland community.

Our strategic objectives

Our strategic objectives provide clear organisational goals, which provide clear points of focus to guide our operations. The goals enable us to mitigate the risks presented by future challenges, and to capitalise on opportunities as they arise.

  1. Caring for Queenslanders
    To continue to deliver excellent health care to Queenslanders.
  2. Our workforce
    To engage, support, and advance our highly skilled workforce, by creating a work environment which is flexible, respectful, ethical, accountable and safe.
  3. Health system integration
    To pursue greater integration with our partners across Queensland Health, to fulfil our ongoing role in promoting and protecting the health of Queenslanders.
  4. Sustainability
    To ensure the ongoing sustainability of ambulance and other health care services in Queensland in a constantly changing environment.
  5. Our systems and business processes
    To develop and continuously improve the business systems, processes and capabilities that support frontline service delivery, and which enable our people to care for Queenslanders through both traditional and emerging models of care.

Find out more

Read the QAS strategy [PDF 5357.88 KB] to learn more about our strategic objectives and priorities.