Our commitment

We want our staff and the people we work with to feel safe, supported and respected.

Our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan 2023–2024 [PDF 3574.25 KB] is helping us strengthen our workplace culture and services. It sets out the actions we’re taking to make sure our workplace and our culture is fair, diverse and inclusive.

What we're doing

Our plan includes actions that are helping the following groups promote and benefit from diversity.

  • Our people
  • Our leaders
  • Our organisation
  • Our communities.

We’re also hiring more people from these groups to increase equity and diversity in the workplace.

  • Women and girls
  • People under 25 and over 45
  • People with disability
  • LGBTQIA+ people
  • People from multicultural communities who may speak many languages
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety framework sets out our initiatives for First Nations people.

How we made this plan

Everyone has a role to play in shaping our workplace culture. We talked to our staff across Queensland and used their feedback from surveys, forums, working groups and networks to develop our plan.

Last updated: June 2024