Our staff deliver ambulance response services, emergency and non-urgent patient care and transport services, inter-facility ambulance transport, casualty room services, planning and coordination for multi-casualty incidents and disasters, and confidential health assessment and information services.

We are one of the most sought-after public employers in the nation. With a low employee turnover rate, flexibility, a diverse workforce and an ongoing commitment to a culturally safe workplace, the QAS is largely representative of the communities we serve.

Clinical attrition

Clinical attrition measures the number of clinically qualified permanent operational employees who have left the organisation, as a percentage of the workforce. Clinically qualified employees include, but is not limited to, paramedics, officers-in-charge, and operational supervisors. We are particularly proud of our remarkably low attrition rates the lowest for all ambulance services in Australia, making us a clear employer of choice.

The Report on Government Services comparison provides further detail.

Clinical attrition rate

Bar graph showing the gradual increase of clinical attrition as a cumulative month on month measurement. The overall Clinical attrition of QAS as at December 2024 is 0.96%.

Health, safety and wellbeing

The health, safety and wellbeing of our people and our patients is pivotal to our ability to provide ambulance and patient care services to the Queensland Community. To achieve this, we will:

  • develop working environments which are safe, supportive, respectful and people focussed.
  • constantly strive to minimise harm through the early reporting and response to identified hazards, workplace incidents, and the ongoing monitoring of risk controls.
  • strive to provide early intervention and support for employees who sustain an injury or illness to optimise recovery and promote an early and safe return to work.

Injury downtime rate

Combination bar and line graph showing the injury downtime rate as a percentage and the total hours lost over the 2024-25 financial year. It shows both percent and total hours lost over this period of 2.65% and 146,096 hours lost.