Heritage collection now publicly available on eHive

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Queensland Ambulance Service’s Heritage volunteers have been hard at work on a project to share our rich and multifaceted living history with staff and our communities, ensuring many historical images can be viewed online using eHive.

eHive is a secure, easy to use web-based collection management system and it’s used worldwide by hundreds of museums, societies and private collectors to catalogue objects, store images, manage acquisition information and publish their collections online.

QAS’s History and Heritage Manager Mick Davis said QAS’s collection can be accessed through eHive from any computer or smart device.

“Until now, QAS Heritage hasn’t had the resources to properly catalogue our entire collection, or capture it electronically in a way that it can be readily found/researched,” Mick said.

“Not only, does the eHive software specialise in this process for heritage institutions, but it also ensures these images are accessible to the public as well as our workforce.”

Mick said the addition of specialist volunteers with historical cataloguing and preservation backgrounds to the team had brought with them the knowledge and skills to take on the project at a professional level.

“Currently the QAS Ambulance Museum’s collection has close to 1000 records and images available for everyone to see and more are being added as our Heritage volunteers get the opportunity,” he said.

“A general search will also reveal there are thousands of records within eHive depicting our service over the years.”

Queensland Police Service’s historic images are also available through eHive.

To view QAS’s historic image collection, click here, or simply enter eHive in your search engine and then type in Queensland Ambulance Service for a broader search covering a range