Emergency and health advice

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.

If you're not sure whether to go to an emergency department, call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and speak to a registered nurse.

General enquiries

For general enquiries you can:

You can send mail to:
Queensland Ambulance Service
PO Box 2477
Brisbane QLD 4001

Compliments, complaints and feedback

We value your feedback. If you have a suggestion, compliment or a complaint you can:

You can also write to us.
QAS Compliments and Complaints
PO Box 2477
Brisbane Qld 4001

Learn more about how we manage your feedback.

Regional and district offices

Our regional and district offices can help you:

  • track down lost property
  • resolve a problem or issue with their service
  • volunteer and get involved.

Patient transport

To book our non-urgent patient transport service call 13 12 33.

Records and data

Learn how to get a copy of patient records or make a research data request.

Jobs and volunteering

For help with jobs and recruitment email us at QAS.Recruitment@ambulance.qld.gov.au.

To learn more about volunteering and ways to get involved talk to your nearest regional office.

Media and film requests

Accredited media organisations who need information about our operational responses can contact the media unit 24 hours a day.

Journalists can sign up to get daily media updates by email for each of our Queensland Ambulance Service regions.