
We welcome compliments and pass them on to our staff. You can tell us about something we’ve done well or share a positive experience you’ve had.

We keep a record of compliments, and we may publish them if we choose to.

You can share a compliment using any of our ways to give feedback.


You can make a complaint if you're not happy with our service, something we did or a choice we made that directly affected you. You can also make a complaint for someone else if they agree.

We'll give you information about our complaints management framework and how to make a complaint.

Making a complaint

When you make a complaint, tell us what happened, and what you’d like us to do. Include dates and times, and explain what actions have been taken so far. Understanding the outcome you're seeking can help us resolve your concern.

You can tell us your complaint using any of our ways to give feedback.

You can also call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or send your complaint to the Queensland Government or Queensland Health.

What happens when you make a complaint

When you make a complaint, we'll let you know we've got it within 5 days. We'll then review your complaint and let you know the result within 30 days.

Sometimes we might need more time to look into your complaint. If that happens, we'll let you know by phone or email.

If you're not happy with the result you can:

Our complaints framework

Download the following documents to learn more about our complaints policy and processes.


You can give feedback about our service, something we did or a choice we made where you were not directly affected.

You can share feedback using any of our ways to give feedback.

Last updated: July 2024